Southland Safety specializes in on-site safety.
Our safety personnel are both flexible and mobile. In addition, we have a fleet of pipeline buggies and all the equipment, training, and experience necessary to maintain a safe work environment. Our safety personnel are all certified FA/CPR instructors, drug and alcohol test collectors, and have all been trained in incident investigation procedures.
We also staff EMTs for jobs that are inherently more dangerous and remote, or for clients who request a safety man with the additional certification.
Southland Safety also offers a wide variety of safety training, including OSHA and MSHA related training and certifications, competent person, HAZWOPER, fire extinguisher training,(with a digital fire trainer from Bullex) Hot Work, confined space, and general safe work permitting, trenching and shoring, first aid, CPR/AED, new employee orientation (NEO), and fit testing - both quantitative and qualitative.
We know that a better trained employee is a safer employee, so training is the basis of any productive and effective job safety program.